Philosophical Debate Versus Pragmatism

No intention of spending a lot of time here today.  I’m busy these days, you know?  However, not too busy to spend a little time here.

I’ve spent a good deal of time in my life dedicated too “philosophical” debate.  Now,  I don’t always follow the rules of philosophical logic.  I had that particular debate with a philosophy professor in undergrad.  It was always difficult for me to grasp why there had to be so many rules around reason.  In my opinion, the proponents of strict reason and logic were struggling against their innate subjectivity in order to hold tightly to objectivity.  A slippery slope indeed.

So lately, I’ve been wondering if my age old path of philosophical debate is worth the time.  Or should meaning be sought through practical matters?  Which is actually a form of philosophical debate.  But, we’ll let that go for now.  Should one (me) focus on intellectual pursuits or daily life?  Meh.